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The BeingBio C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Fluorescence Immunoassay (FIA) Test is a rapid and reliable point-of-care diagnostic tool designed to measure CRP levels in human serum, plasma, or whole blood. This easy-to-use lateral flow test provides accurate, quantitative results in just 3 minutes, using the innovative Multi-channels FIA system.

Healthcare professionals can use the BeingBio CRP FIA Test to quickly determine the presence of inflammation. With a convenient cut-off level of 10 mg/L, this test helps identify elevated CRP levels, signaling an inflammatory response.

Important Note: While the BeingBio CRP FIA Test effectively detects inflammation, it does not pinpoint the underlying cause. Healthcare providers will use the test results in conjunction with a patient’s medical history, physical examination, and other diagnostic tests to determine the source and develop an appropriate treatment plan.