Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Kits (Pre-packed Magnetic Beads)

Intended Use
Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Kits (Pre-packed Magnetic Beads) could be used to extract genomic DNA from fresh, anticoagulant, or frozen blood samples. Relevant reagents were pre-packed in 96-well plates in accordance with the optimal protocol. This kit could be used with nucleic acid extraction instruments to achieve automated, high-throughput nucleic acid extraction.


  •  Relevant reagents were optimized for the instrument to ensure extraction efficiency.
  •  Reagents were pre-packed for Rapid, efficient, high throughput nucleic acid extraction.
  •  Buffer system does not contain toxic substances such as phenol and chloroform.
  •  Applicable to various kinds of automated nucleic acid extraction instrument.
  • The CV value of extracted nucleic acid concentration and purity is less than 5%.
SKU: BNP002-2E / BNP002-3E Category:



Order information:

C at. #  Description  Qty.
BNP002-2E Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Kits (Pre-packed Magnetic Beads, MB32) 32 Prep/Kits
BNP002-3E Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Kits (Pre-packed Magnetic Beads, MB96) 96 Prep/Kits


Parameter Description
Sample Volume 150 μL
DNA Yield 4-7 μg
DNA Purity OD 260/OD 280: 1.9-2.0
Extraction time 30min for M32, 32 samples/round; 90min for M96, 96 samples/round
Instrument  M32/M96 Nucleic Acid Extraction System

Experimental Data
Extract DNA from 150 uL pig whole blood, spot size was 6 μL

Experiment Parameter Average Value
DNA Yield 6.5 μg
OD 260/OD 280  2.014
Additional information
Product No




Packing Size

32 Preps/kit


96 Preps/kit

Shipping & Delivery

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