Desalting Spin Columns


CommaX TM G-25 desalting spin columns works with high-speed centrifuges to process large samples in parallel in short time. They are very affordable and handy tools for protein desalting. Quickly desalt protein and biological samples for manual or automated liquid chromatography (LC) with BeingBio Spin Desalting columns, which offers excellent protein desalting and recovery in a centrifuge format.

Each desalting spin column includes: one collection tube, one adapter, one 12-mL prepacked chromatographic column, one upper cap, one bottom cap and two frits.



  • Large sample volumes
  • High desalting efficiency and recovery
  • Timesaving
SKU: DG25012-1 Categories: ,




Cat. # Description Qty.
DG25012-1 CommaX TM G-25 Desalting Spin Columns, 12 mL/50 mL 5/Box




BeingBio Spin Desalting columns are convenient, ready-to-use devices compatible with major automated liquid-chromatography systems or for manual syringe processing. The polypropylene columns contain a proprietary high-performance size-exclusion chromatography resin that offers excellent protein desalting and recovery in a centrifuge format. When using BeingBio Spin Desalting Columns, protein samples can be successfully processed to obtain greater than 95% retention (removal) of salts and other small molecules (<2000 MW), and good recovery of proteins and other macromolecules (>40,000 MW).

BeingBio Spin Desalting Plates are polypropylene devices containing a proprietary high-performance size-exclusion resin for effective removal of salts and other small molecules (<2000 daltons) while providing excellent recovery for proteins >40,000 Da. They provide trouble-free desalting and buffer exchange for sample volumes ranging from 20 to 100 µL. This 96-well spin plate format enables more high-throughput processing.

Benefits of BeingBio Spin Desalting columns include:
• High recovery—low-binding resin maximizes protein recovery
• Fast—no fraction screening or waiting for protein to emerge by gravity flow
• Economical—great performance at lower cost than other commercially available cartridges
• Easy-to-use—no cumbersome column preparation or equilibration
• Flexible—available in spin columns and filter spin plates for a range of needs

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Packing Size

5 pcs/pack

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